Specializing in Low Force Activator Methods
Light up your health with
Island Chiropractic and Low-Level Laser Therapy
Island Chiropractic is thrilled to offer our community access to Erchonia Lasers! World leaders in medical grade laser technology for professionals. Erchonia offers 25+ Years of Experience, 22 FDA-Clearances for healing with Low Level Laser Therapy
Island Chiropractic offers 4 specific laser devices
Activator Methods
A specific and non-invasive whole-body chiropractic technique. This modern approach is for the correction of subluxations (joint misalignments). The neurological analysis is our guide to diagnosing stress patterns in the musculoskeletal system. A low force-high amplitude instrument allows us to deliver intentional structural corrections.
The Activator Method is one of the most widely researched chiropractic techniques and the only instrument adjusting technique with 26 clinical trials to support its efficacy. Activator Methods has published hundreds of clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, worked with major academic research institutions, and received grants from recognized entities like the National Institute of Health.